kim bum sarangaheyo !

Sunday, July 31, 2011

malas lah !

malas na studyy ! spm bape bulan je lagi and malaz aku makin meningkat . Jap aku wat hypothesis , semakin meningkat kemalsan , semakin meningkat juga tahap kegagalan hidup seseorang , hypothesis accepted . hahaha . Bole hantar kat cikgu bio dah ney , hahaha .Bebole je wat hypothesis time ney . hee . Nga tencion ney senanye . Adoy , prasaan ku bercampur lah , dah macam ABC . Takot de , cuak nervous sume2 lah , tapi yg pelik nye aku ase ta sabar2 na spm , weird lah kot . hahaha . Rase nak hbs cepat je spm ney . Bole enjoy cepat . Hahh tgk , dalam otak aku na enjoy je memanjang macam mane lah na success macam ney . arghh malaz lah na fikir ,

mood : undefined :D

Saturday, July 2, 2011

3 bulan lagi !!!!

i am rushingg . Tapi aku still lagi malaz na wat revision . mengong tak ? The biggest exam just around the corner and i still playing around . How can huhh ? such a loser nanad ! haiz  . kate na dpt straight A lah knon padahal . haha . bile lah aku na berubah neyh . i admit that i'm being nervous for now . tapi nervous yg ta membantu aku nak berubah . macam mane neyh . Lagi pun aku still blur na pegi mne lepas spm neyh . Klu result aku bole kalah kan jian hao bole lah aku stay kat uma tggu tawaran dari cambrige ke ..? haha . mimipi yang ta sudah . Tapi tiap kejayaan start dari angan2 . Aik pe lah yg aku nonsense ney . ttbe je . Okay now i'm thinking the right decision . aarghhh ! here it come the ketensionan . haha . Rase macam na minum potassium cyanide je lah . humm .

Monday, June 13, 2011

salah kelass ??

Just now baru dapat result exam mid year . Like i said mmg 'flying colour' ( tangan di bahu mate ke ats )  haa . Satu je subjek elektif aku luluss . Dat is physic . 2 pown kredit je . heh . Yg teras pown dah dapt tapi .................... malu r na cakap . huhu . Mampuih lahh den . Apo aku na jawab kat 'pihak berkuase' nanti yakni MY PARENT . Haila . Mmg biol petala ke lapan lah aku ney . Kkdang aku rase aku dahh masok salah kelas . Yelah , tiap kali result exam kuar macam bukan budak sc stream je . Humiliating me lahh . Baek aku amek sastera ke akaun ke an an . Tapi its to late tu apologise . ngee . Mmg malu lah ngn dak2 laen . Mesty dowg pk kteowg yg dok klas sc ney no quality just more in quantity . Al maklum lah , bash kteowg lah yg plg ramai dak sc . Huhu . Yg tu aku bgge . hahaha . Bgge ta bertempat . Pening lah . takot je result aku yg skang will affect my mind till spm . Ta payah spm la .. coming soon trial ney pown dah wat aku cam putus fius dah . Macam mane lah nseb aku nnt . Misi aku tak kre spm fail ke lulus ke yg PENTING  aku dapt masok u or kolej . That the most important . :D

Sunday, June 12, 2011

first day sch after holidayy ! ngee

alright . Esok skola . My feeling ? sad + happy + lazy . How's that ? haha . Sad n lazy sbb nanti dapt result exam yg ' flying colours tuuuuu ' errr . Flying lah sangat . Tah2 aku yg fly cam superman , beze dye superman bole stay kat udare . Aku ? mimpi laa . haha . lepas tuu parents datg amek result mid year . Then smp uma da macam penjenayah kene soal macam2 . 'koe blaja ke ta , macam mne bole fail ? ' tu laa dialog wajib ble pas amek result . haha . Lg satu most fevret aku , homework yg datang ta sudahh . ade je hw . Naek bingai tol la . Btw aku happy na msok skola blek because offfffffff wanna see my teachers and all ma friends . miss themm soooo muchh . hehehe .  :D

Friday, June 10, 2011

miss gile kat member2 aku !


bosan lahh , naseb baek lagi 3 ary masok skola , klu taaku sanggup g uma dowg lpk2 , haha . Bole plak cam tuh . Humm mmg ssh laah tade member neyh . Dowg lahh yg tlg kte whenever kte ssh or sng . Tp ta sume membe cam tu . Aku alhamdulillah sume member aku baek gilakk . Sayang gile kat dorang . Time aku ssh or sng they always beside me to share it . Sbb tu lah aku syg smpi mati kat dowg , hahaha . To all my friends hope we can stay longer and gud luck for spm , remeber that friendship is valuable n its never end .. saranghaeyo mmmuaaahhxx , :D 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

frust ! :(

Pelik lah . Aku rase pelik sangat2 . Ta penah2 macam ney . Aku kat sini IMY like orang gilak bole plak  g balek awl . Frust ta terkate . Knpe lahh awl sangat balek . Ke na jumpe orang tuh . Humm yelaa sadis tol .Cam na ngelat aku pown ade . Ta leyh tahan cam neyh . dah lah long distance pnye relation . humpp . Arghh , tencion lahh . Ta penah aku rase cam neyh , grr . And dye pown cam tade riak besalah ke ape ke . aku ta paham tol laa . Tape lah ,moraal of the story here bawak besabo je laa . Astaghfirullahalazim . hummp .

Sunday, June 5, 2011

who am i to you ? :(

sejak smlm , everythings change , dah ta macam dlu , semua sebab status on fb , haiz . damn hurt my feeling . till now i'm confused whether i'm doing the right thing or not . i didn't know what he feel toward that girl until yesterday .  bebole dye cakap ' be mine back pliss' . aku tau status tu  untuk sape , mesty lah her . cry like river lah time tu . hadoi  . aku rase aku dipermainkan , haiyya . benci lah jiwang2 neyh , tapi na wat cam ne dah blog ney dicipte untuk luahan perasaan . memang tekeluar lah sgale prasaan , haha . humm , naseb in a relationship . Thinking what to do next , :(